Kindness Club
This club was established in 2014 and has been very popular with our students. The club is open to all 3rd-5th graders. It runs October through April every year and meets Wednesdays and Fridays during lunchtime recess.
During club meetings we focus on one of the six concepts of kindness…respect, caring, inclusiveness, integrity, responsibility and courage. Students participate in various activities to learn more about each concept and how they can use it in their everyday lives. Students come up with a community outreach project each month to participate in. Some of the fun outreach projects we have done has been…Socktober (a sock drive in October for The Place of Hope Shelter), art projects for nursing homes, food drives, sending art and letters to parishioners of our church and our grandparents, Bags of hope for the homeless and much more! Students even do kind things for their fellow students.
The club is a wonderful way to teach kids to spread joy and to be kind like Jesus! It promotes self confidence and teaches students empathy and compassion.
Robotics Club
Robotics Club is held Monday’s after school starting in the Spring. We are fortunate to have robots to cater to all different levels of learning. The Beebots are used for beginners. With the Beebots, students can practice coding them to go different places on maps. Students also make obstacle courses with various objects and code their Beebot to make it through. Students create their own maps and have other students see if they can code their Beebots to go places on their map.
Dash & Dot robots are the next step up and have a fun app you can use to code your Dash or Dot robots to do fun things. We have had fun with the connecting parts to the Dash robot too. Students can connect a launcher and have their Dash robots have a “snowball fight ” with cotton balls. Students build different extensions to the robots using Legos and their imaginations.
The Sphero SPRK+ is for our higher level learners and gives students hands on practice coding a robot that is a bit different then what they have been used to.
Robotics is fun for all ages and gives students the opportunity to use their problem solving skills and imagination!